Cycling tour Amelands Produkt - VVV Ameland

Cycling tour Amelands Produkt

Ameland wholesales with authentic products, officially 'Amelands Produkt'. The Amelands Produkt is a hallmark for local products with traditional flavours.

Salty meadows and sea air

We naturally have those flavours here, courtesy of the salty meadows and sea air. You taste something like that. A lick of coarse mustard on a slice of polder cheese, lightly salted free-range lamb and fragrant rye bread, fresh from the mill, what a taste sensation.

The route:

VVV Ameland

Start: VVV Ameland, Bureweg 2 Nes

Cycle towards the ferry and turn right before the ferry jetty onto the Wadden Sea dyke. Depending on the wind, cycle in half an hour outside the dike along the Wadden Sea dyke to Ballumerbocht near Ballum. 

Dijkwachters Ameland - VVV Ameland

Dyke wardens

At the statue of the 'Dijkwachters', go up the dike by bike on foot. Leave (with your back to the Dijkwachters) the dike via the left-hand side. After the ferry fence, turn right and cycle immediately afterwards left into Smitteweg towards Ballum.

Bierbrouwerij Ameland - VVV Ameland

Ameland beer brewery

On the left at Smitteweg 6 you will find Bierbrouwerij Ameland. The Brewery has its own tasting room and shop where the various Ameland beers can be tasted and bought.

De Ouwe Stee - VVV Ameland

De Ouwe Stee

In Ballum, at the end of Smitteweg, turn right into Camminghastraat. Before the Spar, turn right into Nesserweg. At the edge of the village, at Nesserweg 1, is a beautiful old farmhouse with Ageeth's nostalgic tea and sweet shop: De Ouwe Stee

Ballum out

Continue along the road and cross over to the cycle path next to Verbindingsweg. Turn left in the direction of Ballum. At the roundabout, go straight ahead towards Hollum.

Bioboerderij Ameland - VVV Ameland

Ameland organic farm

After about 1 km, you come to Verbindingsweg 14b, where the Blokker family's Bioboerderij Ameland is located. Here you can buy, among other things, milk from their own cows and delicious organic meat.

Naar Hollum - VVV Ameland

To Hollum

Continue cycling and turn left after about 500 metres onto Pietje Miedeweg. Take the first right onto Trapweg. Cycle on until you reach the village of Hollum. At the crossroads, turn left and then take the second right to Zwaneplein. Cross the square and go straight ahead into O.P. Lapstraat.

Kaas- en ijsboerderij - VVV Ameland

Cheese and ice cream farm

On O.P. Lapstraat 1 you will find Ameland Cheese and Ice cream Farm. Here, Johannes and Sanne make the most delicious Ameland cheeses and delectable farmhouse ice cream. All this is prepared using traditional methods with fresh Ameland milk. 

Koren- en Mosterdmolen - VVV Ameland

Corn- and mustard mill

Then cycle out of O.P. Lapstraat and into Molenweg. At the end of the Molenweg, you will see Corn- and mustard mill De Verwachting. This mill can be visited. In the tasting room, you can test a true palette of mustard flavours. Also be sure to take a look in the mill shop.

Door de duinen - VVV Ameland

Along the forest and through the dunes...

Then cycle up Badweg. Cycle to the end and turn right into Fenneweg. Cycle along the forest towards the Vuurtoren/Oranjeweg. Cross the street and turn left from the pancake restaurant onto the cycle path through the dunes to Buren (about 12 km).

Bij Buren - VVV Ameland

Near Buren

Turn right at the Buren beach entrance, follow the cycle path along the Strandweg and take the first left at StrAnders restaurant (paved road turns into cycle path). Turn right at the crossroads, then first left and then right behind holiday park Klein Vaarwater. 

Meervalkwekerij - VVV Ameland

Catfish farm

Cycle to the Kooiweg where the trout pools of the Amelander Meervalkwekerij are. Various homegrown fish products are on sale in the shop.

Worstenmakerij Ytsma - VVV Ameland

Sausage maker Ytsma

Cycle to the village of Buren and drop in at Worstenmakerij and Streekwinkel 'Groeten van Ameland', where Wolter and Dennis make sausages using traditional methods every day.

Landbouw-Juttersmuseum Swartwoude - VVV Ameland

Agriculture-Beachcomber museum Swartwoude

Next, cycle to Hoofdweg 1. Here you will find the Agricultural Beachcombers Museum. The museum has a dozen wool machines on display where the wool from Amelander sheep can be turned into sustainable end products. Wool products are for sale in the shop.

Amelander Koffiehuys - VVV Ameland

Amelander Coffee House

Follow the signs to Nes. Cycle through Kardinaal De Jongweg. Take the second street on the right and park your bike at one of the bike racks in Marten Janszenstraat to continue on foot. Walk to the Kerkplein. At number 3 you will find the Amelander Koffiehuys. Here you can enjoy home-roasted coffee as a coffee to go or just for brewing at home.

Bakkerij en ijssalon de Jong - VVV Ameland

De Jong bakery and ice cream parlour

Walk down Church Square and cross Church Street towards the Tower. Turn left into the Torenstraat. At the corner of Torenstraat and Van Heeckerenstraat, you will find Bakkerij en Ijssalon De Jong, known for its homemade rye bread, flat cakes and Amelander 'duumkes'. 

Vishandel Metz - VVV Ameland

Fish shop Metz

Diagonally opposite the bakery, you will find Vishandel Metz. Here you can buy delicious Amelander oysters and cockles, gathered by fishermen on the Wadden Sea. Or Amelander sea bass and mullet, caught in the traditional upright nets on the mud flats and the North Sea. The fish shop also has a lunchroom where you can enjoy a delicious fried fish.

Van Heeckerenstraat - VVV Ameland

Van Heeckerenstraat

After visiting Vishandel Metz, walk down Van Heeckerenstraat. At the end of the street, grab your bike and then cycle right, past Restaurant Binnen. Then cycle right into Burgemeester Waldastraat and continue straight ahead into Burgemeester Bolomeijweg. At the end of this road, turn left into the Reeweg. 

Aardappelhandel De Suihoek - VVV Ameland

Potato shop De Suihoek

At the junction of Reeweg and Hoge Eggenweg is the market stall of Aardappelhandel De Suihoek. Here you will find real Amelander potatoes, grown on Ameland's sandy soil.

Round complete

Continue along Hoge Eggenweg and turn right at the end into Bureweg. You will see VVV Ameland on your left. Your round of Ameland products is complete!

Don't forget...

Amelander rundvleeskroketten / Wad'n Keuken - VVV Ameland

Amelander beef croquettes

No visiting address, but definitely worth a visit: the Amelander beef croquettes and bitterballs from Wad'n Keuken, made from the meat of Amelander Hereford cattle.

You can find them at various restaurants and supermarkets on Ameland. Feast on them!

More about the Amelander Beef Croquettes


Enjoy a prepared Amelands Product on the go? Then take a seat at one of the several restaurants where 'Amelands Produkt' is on the menu.

These establishments can be recognised by a special shield on the façade.

Check out the restaurants


  • Before leaving, check the opening hours on the Amelands Produkt website.
  • Rent a bike from one of the bike rental companies on Ameland
  • Prefer to print out the route? Then buy our Bicycle route booklet, in one of our shops or order the booklet in our webshop. Note: only available in Dutch and German

Need more information? Then drop by VVV Ameland!

Tasty tour!

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