De Jutter
On Wadden island Ameland there are a number of different (beach) wheelchairs which are available free of charge for guests with restricted mobility.
De Jutter is an allround wheelchair with a 'straight-up' seat. Simple and solid with special Wheeleez balloon tyres.
From 15 June to 15 September, Jutter beach wheelchairs are available at the KNRM (lifeguard) stations.
At each of the 4 main beach crossings/beach pavilions you will find 1 of these wheelchairs .
Reserving these wheelchairs is not possible. The wheelchair is supposed to be used for the shortest amount of time possible in order to accommodate as many users as possible. KNRM staff will be very happy to help where needed.
From September 16th through June 14th this wheelchair is not in use.