Whether you need help with selling or buying a (recreation) property or the preparation of an appraisal, kremermakelaars.nl gladly offers its expertise and professionality to you.
Are you looking for another home or (recreation) property? Would you like to sell your (recreation) property? Do you need a valuation or appraisal of your (recreation) home or business objects? Contact us, you are welcome at our office on the Kolkweg in Nes. On business days we are open every day and on Saturdays we work by appointment. By telephone we can almost always be reached!
We are affiliated with:
- VBO Makelaar (VBO Real Estate)
- Nederlands Register Vastgoed Taxateurs (Dutch Register Real Estate Appraisers)
Kolkweg 3
9163 HK, Nes
0031519-546137 / 06 229 74 729